5th Day Of Xmas: Focussing & Growing Your Presence Online

Posted by Tara
A lot of websites have certain areas that are the main area of focus. For example, you might be focussed on form completions as your main digital marketing goal. However after a period of time, it might be going quite well and begin to level off – this is the time to re-evaluate your goals and perhaps introduce some new ones.You could enhance your focus on form completions; perhaps setting higher targets and putting plans in place to generate more. However, it is also a good idea to shift efforts to other parts of your site in order to grow them in a similar way to your initial area of focus.For example, you could switch the focus to ecommerce or social media. By growing these areas of your site you can help create a better overall performance. Doing one thing well is fantastic, but making your website perform well in achieving a variety of goals makes it much more effective.So, once you achieve your goals, re-analyse them and always think about adding a new area of focus. Enjoy today’s illustration, and make sure you come back to the ThoughtShift Blog tomorrow for the 6th in the series!