Never Mind The Buzzcocks… Ever Fallen In Love With A Twitter Tool ?
This month I’ve been mostly bigging up the free SocialBro twitter tool to anyone who would listen. This is because working in social media and finding a twitter tool that could create, manage and analyse my twitter community- as well as looking sexy- was very much like falling in love. My enthusiasm has resulted in a certain level of success in that next month I have been asked to do SocialBro training session for the Thoughtshift family but on the other hand my boyfriend has banned me from talking about SocialBro in bed. Boo.As the old saying goes ‘you can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends' and choosing your twitter community is particularly easy when using Social bro. With the ability to search and apply filters not just within your own friends and followers but in the entire Twitterverse itself you can create a niche community of people whose tweets you are interested in and who are interested in what you have to tweet about too.This is of crucial importance to any business trying to market itself in this current climate. These days in social media the focus is on creating quality content that people will want to share and its this quality and not quantity that counts when engaging in Twitter Land. I know far too many people who have ‘bought’ followers to look good and are now lamenting about the useless, lacklustre and inapplicable tweets from these random accounts that clog up their twitter timeline and do nothing to increase business or even raise a smile. I know of others who just find the process of finding followers a lengthy and confusing process.Whether you are starting up on twitter or have lost your way in the Twittersphere, fear not SocialBro is the tool to bring that special something back into your twittering. Once downloaded, you can then synchronise your twitter account or accounts with SocialBro. On the home dash board you will see your existing community very fetchingly arranged into categories that you can browse and do almost anything with at will. At a glance you can see who is inactive or active, influential or famous making it easier to decide who to unfollow or who to schmooze. If you fancy tweeting anyone whilst you are doing this then the option is always there at the top of the page.