Quick Content Curator Tips – Econsultancy Snippet

Posted by Tara
We are all publishers and we all tend to create a collection of content we find useful that we share with our personal and professional networks. We follow others who share the kind of links that engage and entertain.Here is 17 tips to help you become better at content curation using twitter:
  •  Set up some feeds to find subjects related to the keywords of your choice.
  •  Make the most of email alerts and filter them by type.
  • Get to grips with Twitter Search and know how unearth great content.
  • Use advanced search queries to filter out the rubbish.
  • Follow the 70/30 rule of 70% Content 30% Branded. People are more interested in content than brand!
  • Find the right tools for the job and pre-populate your twitter feed. Get tweets ready to be sent at a certain time.
  • Own a niche, or talk about the things you know to gain followers in one particular subject area.
  • Read, read, read! Expand and learn more interesting stuff!
  • Write, write, write! It will help you to explore and remember the things you learn!
  • Timing is crucial! Tweet at engaging times of the day and week! Lunch times and mornings are when most people check news and do social media.
  • Aggregate the good content and make a home for it on a blog or website!
  •  Tune in to the right people and target those who are interested in your subject area.
  • Mix up your tweets and talk about different subject areas to gain more followers.
  • Don't be afraid of the detail and look into what the customer wants to see.
  • Consider repeating yourself so that your tweet doesn’t get lost in the twitter stream of your followers. Make sure you are heard!
  • Try to avoid the obvious and find eye-opening posts on niche blogs.
  • Use a notebook to make notes on anything you find
Read the full article by Chris Lake? Find it here: How to be a formidable content curator