The Rise of Voice Search: Optimising Your Website for Voice-Activated Assistants - picture
Posted by Jill

Voice search has emerged as a revolutionary way for users to interact with technology, transforming the way we access information and perform online tasks. With the growing popularity of voice-activated assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, optimising websites for voice search has become essential for businesses seeking to stay ahead in the digital landscape.

Voice activated search device
Photo credit: Andres Urena

Understanding Voice Search

The rise in voice search usage is undeniable, with statistics showing a significant increase in voice search queries year after year

Voice search utilises speech recognition technology to enable users to perform searches and execute commands using their voice. Various voice-activated assistants have entered the market, offering users a hands-free and convenient experience. Siri, Apple's virtual assistant, operates on iOS devices, while Amason's Alexa powers the Echo devices, and Google Assistant is integrated into Android devices and Google Home speakers. The rise in voice search usage is undeniable, with statistics showing a significant increase in voice search queries year after year.

Benefits of Optimising for Voice Search

Optimising your website for voice search brings a multitude of benefits. First and foremost, it enhances the user experience by providing quick and accurate responses to user queries. With voice-activated assistants, users can access information effortlessly, saving time and effort. Additionally, optimising for voice search improves accessibility for individuals with visual or physical impairments, allowing them to navigate the web more effectively.

Furthermore, optimising for voice search can boost your website's visibility and drive more traffic. As voice search queries often return featured snippets or concise answers, having your content structured to appear as a featured snippet can significantly increase your website's visibility in search engine results. This increased visibility can lead to a higher click-through rate and ultimately more traffic to your website. Moreover, by staying ahead of the curve and optimising for voice search, you gain a competitive advantage in search engine rankings, as search engines increasingly prioritise voice-optimised websites.

Optimising Your Website for Voice Search

To effectively optimise your website for voice search, consider the following strategies:

Keyword research for voice search queries:

Focus on long-tail and conversational keywords that mimic how users typically phrase their voice search queries.

Content optimisation:

Structure your content to be easily scannable, providing direct and concise answers to commonly asked questions. Use natural language and adopt a conversational tone to align with how users ask voice search queries.

Technical considerations:

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive, as voice searches are frequently performed on mobile devices. Improve page loading speed to provide a seamless user experience. Implement structured data markup to enhance the presentation of search results.

Local SEO optimisation for voice search:

Claim and optimise your local business listings on platforms like Google My Business. Include location-specific information on your website, such as addresses and directions. Encourage customers to leave online reviews and ratings.

Voice search compatibility:

Optimise your website for different voice-activated assistants, tailoring the user experience to each platform. Test and ensure voice search functionality is working correctly.

Multi-Channel Attribution and Voice Search

Multi-channel attribution is crucial for understanding the customer journey and assigning value to various touchpoints across different marketing channels. Incorporating voice search data into the attribution model presents both challenges and opportunities. To analyze the impact of voice search on conversion paths, identify voice search interactions across channels, assign appropriate weights to voice search touchpoints, and leverage tools and techniques designed for multi-channel attribution analysis with voice search.

Voice Search and Content Strategy

Craft your content to address specific user queries. Use formats like FAQs and Q&A sections to capture common voice search questions. Incorporate natural language phrases and questions throughout your content. Consider adding audio and video content to cater to voice search users who prefer multimedia formats.

Voice Search and SEO

Monitor and analyse voice search trends to stay up to date with user preferences and behavior. Track and measure voice search performance to identify areas for improvement. Adapt your SEO strategies using the latest SEO technology insights to accommodate voice search by incorporating long-tail and conversational keywords, optimising for featured snippets, and focusing on providing valuable and concise answers to user queries.


The rise of voice search and the popularity of voice-activated assistants have transformed the way users interact with technology. Optimising your website for voice search is crucial for enhancing the user experience, improving accessibility, increasing website visibility and traffic, and gaining a competitive edge in search engine rankings.

By conducting keyword research, optimising content and technical aspects, and considering local SEO and voice search compatibility, you can position your website to thrive in the era of voice-activated assistants.

Additionally, recognising the impact of voice search on multi-channel attribution and adapting measurement and analysis methods will provide a comprehensive understanding of your marketing efforts.

Embrace the rise of voice search, implement the strategies outlined, and prepare for the future trends and opportunities it presents. With the right optimisation techniques, your website will be poised to succeed in the voice search revolution.