A New Superstar Joins Our Line-up

This month Tom Bowers has graduated from the ThoughtShift Academy to become a full blown superstar team member and digital marketing consultant! An English and Creative Writing graduate, Tom’s passion drove him to pursue several spells on blogs and papers and ultimately led him to edit his own magazine.
Tom is another shining example of why the ThoughtShift Academy works, as his enthusiasm for creative writing has been nurtured in the field of digital marketing and developed into a true talent for content creation.
We all love having Tom in the office and judging by this quote from him, the feeling’s mutual.
“My main strengths lie in content creation, I love writing and with the skills I learned from my degree and through publishing my own magazine I’ve come a long way in writing different types of content for a whole host of audiences. I really enjoy getting to grips with a piece of written work, whether it’s editing or writing. Working with the guys at ThoughtShift has been a brilliant experience, I really hope I can add to the team and continue to produce high quality content that people can enjoy and share.”
You can read some of Tom’s content for the ThougthShift blog here. If you have any questions for Tom or would like digital marketing consultancy, please contact Tom at tom@thougthshift.co.uk or call us on 01273 666 884.