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Have You Done Your Research? Know Your Competitors & Audience

So in my last blog I mentioned how important research is to make a successful campaign. Today I will discuss what exactly you need to research... Continue reading...

Google Knowledge Graph: What are the implications for information websites?

What is Google Knowledge Graph?As we all know Google are constantly updating their algorithms in order to provide the best possible answers... Continue reading...

How to optimise your website for the Google Penguin Update

What is the Google Penguin Update?Google makes ongoing enhancements to improve the quality of search results for its users. Google does this... Continue reading...

Content Monetisation Strategies – The 5Ss

The digital age continues to push the world of publishing through radical change. Publishers were wrestling with whether to charge for content... Continue reading...

Is controversy the key to online success?

When it comes to developing an online content strategy there are many considerations but I think that it fundamentally comes down to two... Continue reading...

Quick Content Curator Tips – Econsultancy Snippet

We are all publishers and we all tend to create a collection of content we find useful that we share with our personal and professional... Continue reading...

Mobile SEO – What Does Your Website Look Like On A Mobile?

Mobile web browsing has been on the up in recent years, and that’s an understatement. The development of capabilities for web use on mobile... Continue reading...

Can You Double Your Fashion E-Commerce ROI by Improving Your Ad Writing? (Pt 2)

Okay, so last month I introduced to you how the combination of PPC (pay per click) and SEO (search engine optimisation) can increase your return... Continue reading...

How important is Meta Data Optimisation to your website?

Understanding Meta data is quite simple really as it is a type of data that it used by webmasters to support websites being indexed by search... Continue reading...

Ecommerce Strategy – Optimising Your Online Shop

I am not trying to slate SEO as a discipline but for far too long it’s been a ‘dark art’ or ‘rocket science’, with millions of blogs... Continue reading...

Why are directory submissions important for SEO?

What are Directory Submissions?A directory submission site is a website where you can enter the details of your webpage and it will rank your... Continue reading...

Canonicalization: Why is it important for SEO?

What is canonicalization?In web search and search engine optimisation (SEO) canonicalization is a term used to describe web content that has... Continue reading...

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